Travel Vaccinations

Please Note – we are not currently offering private travel vaccinations

The clinic is run by our nursing team but not all our nurses are trained to provide this service. The travel service MUST include an individual pre-travel risk assessment prior to ordering and administering the vaccinations. All of which can take a long time, especially if there are several family members traveling at one time.

We allocate a few hours per week of nurse time for our travel clinic. We are not able to give any more time than this as it would negatively impact on other patient care. This means there can be a waiting list for the clinic slots.

For this reason we require 8 WEEKS notice to be able to provide travel vaccinations for you here at Norwood medical centre. Unfortunately, if you are travelling within 8 weeks then you will need to attend a private clinic who will be able to provide a much faster service.

Here is a list of private clinics in Sheffield:

You will need to fill a Travel Vaccination form in and hand it in at reception and you will be contacted with advice or an appointment. You can download the form below or pick one up from reception.

Travel Questionnaire

Europe Europe & RussiaNorth America North America
Central America Central AmericaSouth America South America
Caribbean CaribbeanAfrica Africa
Middle East Middle EastCentral Asia Central Asia
East Asia East AsiaAustralasia  Australasia and Pacific

Currently there are several vaccinations which are available on the NHS these include Hep A, Typhoid, Polio, and Cholera.
Other vaccinations are not considered part of NHS service, and these are only available as a private service, these include Yellow Fever, Hep B, Japanese Encephalitis, Rabies, and more. We do not provide these private vaccinations or malaria prophylaxis.